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best price guaranteed

Book your room - best price guaranteed

5 Reasons to book here

Best price
Guaranted availability
Free public transport

sustainable development

good environmental practices for customers is committed to reducing the impact of its operations on the environment by serving as a role model and providing good environmental practices to its customers.

Here are some good environmental practices to act more sustainably:

  • Drink tap water
  • Save water and the use of towels
  • Brush your teeth with the tap closed
  • Inform us if a faucet is dripping
  • Take a quick shower at an appropriate water temperature, close the shower faucet when you wash yourself

  • Do not turn on lights or run appliances unnecessarily 
  • Close the window when the air conditioner is on (and avoid using the air conditioner if possible)
  • Turn off the TV and lights when you leave your room
  • Inform us if an appliance is damaged

  • Avoid the creation of waste and separate it
  • Avoid waste of items and food at breakfast
  • Leave paper, newspapers and cardboard boxes clearly visible on the table. This makes it easier for us to separate them

  • Get around by public transportation, bicycle or on foot
  • Prioritize local purchases and seasonal products
  • Prioritize outdoor activities